Cord blood banking is an astounding achievement in the field of medical science. Umbilical cord blood has the capacity to combat against many deadly diseases and thus, it can save your baby’s or your loved ones’ future. Thus, cord blood banking has become a pivotal part of today’s birth planning. If you are planning to save cord blood for your baby’s better future, you need to understand the basics, the process and the benefits of cord blood.
Now, take a look at what is cord blood?
Cord blood, alternatively known as placental blood or umbilical cord blood, is basically the surplus blood which is present in placenta and umbilical cord that remains attached to the placenta once the cord of the new-born child has been cut. This cord blood is full of haematopoietic stem cells (HPC) which are the precursors to other types of blood cells and cellular components. This blood also contains normal red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBCs), platelets, and plasma. In 1961, a plethora of medical studies has claimed that this HPC is beneficial in treating many pernicious diseases. Now, this HPC is used in treating more than 80 FDA approved diseases including leukaemia, lymphoma, sickle-cell disease, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, blood cancers, cerebral palsy, type 1 diabetes, and other diseases. That’s why the demand for cord blood banking is escalating every year and parents are also inclined to save cord blood for the betterment of their babies’ future.
Cord blood banking
Cord blood banking is a process which preserves new-born baby’s umbilical cord blood stem cells. Once the baby is delivered, this is a painless and non-intrusive process which collects blood after the umbilical cord is cut. Now, the blood is transferred to an efficient laboratory where the experts separate stem cells from the plasma and platelets.
Cord blood bank
A cord blood bank is a bank where you can store your baby’s cord blood either for private or public uses. In a public cord blood bank, your stored cord blood can be used for other patients or in research purposes also. Usually, Public cord blood banks don’t charge any fee from the donors. But on the other hand, in a private bank, the stored cord blood can be exclusively used for the donor family only. They also charge a humongous amount from the donors to maintain the cord blood. That’s why cord blood banking cost for a private bank is much higher than a public bank.
Benefits of cord blood banking
Let’s consider some of the benefits of cord blood banking.
- Cord blood is far better than bone marrow: Several medical studies have claimed that cord blood is far better than marrow and peripheral blood, in terms of both medically and financially. Cord blood stem cells are immature and naïve in nature, thus they are more flexible than adult stem cells. Moreover, cord blood transfer is a less costly endeavour than bone marrow transplant. Since the stem cells that are present in cord blood are not matured enough, hence the receiver has a minimal risk of the graft as against. In a cord blood transplant, there are low risk of tumour growth, low risk of viral contamination, and high cell proliferation capacity.
- The collection process is simple: Cord blood can easily be collected from the umbilical cord of a new-born child. The collection process is very simple and fast and both mother and child may not receive any pain during the collection process. So, cord blood can be collected in a hassle-free way just after the delivery.
- Easily available: This is another prime reason for the high demand for cord blood. This blood is available quickly when you need it to save someone’s life. Because the stem cells are already stored and preserved at the cord blood bank and thus, you can get them whenever you need them for the transplant.
- Can treat many diseases: cord blood is very beneficial in treating many lethal diseases. Now, this HPC can treat more than 80 diseases including leukaemia, lymphoma, sickle-cell disease, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, blood cancers, cerebral palsy, type 1 diabetes, and other diseases. These days, parents have understood the importance of cord blood and thus, they are adopting for cord blood banking.
- Stem cells of cord blood are an absolute genetic match to baby: A plethora of medical studies has claimed that HPCs are a 100 % genetic match to the baby. Thus, they can be used to treat other family members even siblings also.
Hope, now you have adequate knowledge about the basics and benefits of cord blood.
CryoCord is a prodigious cord blood bank which is well-equipped with all the latest tools and techniques. This cord blood bank was established in 2002 and since then, they are passionately supporting the parents who want to store their babies’ cord blood.
Do you want to store your baby’s cord blood with a reliable and efficient bank so that your baby can lead to a healthy future? Then, must check the portfolio of CryoCord blood bank for their support and services.